
    Study on Mechanism of Unsafe Behavior of Mine Workers

    • 摘要: 矿井作业人员作为生产活动的直接施行者,其作业行为对于矿山安全生产有着直接的影响作用。为此,以矿井作业人员不安全行为作为研究对象,对不安全行为的定义和分类进行了界定,以生产过程中矿井作业人员的认知心理过程和行动实施流程为划分依据,将矿井生产活动分为3个阶段,初步剖析了作业人员的认知、决策和行动过程,对意向型和无意向型不安全行为的影响因素进行了列举分析,结合影响因素解释了对作业人员的行为选择过程,并在此基础上初步构建了矿井作业人员不安全行为发生机理模型。


      Abstract: As the direct executor in production and operation activities, the behavior of mine worker has a direct impact on mine safety production. In order to effectively reduce the incidence rate of mine production, in this paper, we take mine workers' unsafe behavior as the research object to explore its occurrence mechanism. On the basis of the related academic achievements at home and abroad, a new definition and classification method of unsafe behavior was created and the influence factors of mine workers' intentional and unintentional unsafe behavior were analyzed according to the cognitive psychology and action implementation process. For the purpose of better guiding mine safety management, a mechanism model of mine workers' unsafe behavior was also constructed.


