
    Control Technology of Water-sand Inrush for Shallow Buried and Thin Bedrock Coal Seam in Shenfu Coalfield

    • 摘要: 针对威胁神府矿区浅埋煤层开采的涌水溃砂灾害,分析其成因认为富水砂层中的水力坡度是涌水溃砂的主控因素,理论计算表明当富水松散砂层的实际水力坡度达到砂层液化的临界水力坡度,将发生涌水溃砂。根据涌水溃砂的4项必要条件,以井下采煤工作面顶板预疏放水降低砂层实际水头高度与砂层注浆固化增大临界水力坡度相结合的技术理念探索了涌水溃砂综合防控技术,试验表明:注浆浆液在砂层中呈现劈裂、挤压和渗透3种迁移方式,可有效改善砂层物理力学特性。该技术应用于哈拉沟煤矿涌水溃砂高风险工作面,使工作面安全通过了危险区。


      Abstract: In order to control the geological hazard of water-sand inrush in shallow buried and thin bedrock coal seam, the causes are analyzed. The results indicate that the hydraulic gradient is key factor for the hazard of water-sand inrush in water-rich sand seam, and the hazard of water-sand inrush will occur while current hydraulic gradient exceeds extreme hydraulic gradient. Based on the four essential factors of water-sand inrush, a new technology is researched, and it combines decreasing current hydraulic gradient with discharge water and increasing extreme hydraulic gradient with grouting in sand seam in roadway. Some tests were completed for the technology, and tests results reveal that the grouting material moves in the water-rich sand by wedging, extrusion and permeation and changes physical and mechanical properties of water-rich sand. The technology was applied in the Halagou Coal Mine to prevent the hazard of water-sand inrush, and it made the workface pass through the high-risk zone of water-sand inrush.


