
    Strata Behaviors of Recovering Room Mining Residual Pillars with Loess Filling

    • 摘要: 以神木县某矿黄土充填开采回收房式煤柱为工程背景,通过UDEC数值模拟软件对充填回收房式煤柱过程中工作面前方煤柱应力、工作面后方充填体应力及地表移动下沉进行了模拟研究。结果表明:随着开挖充填作业的进行,工作面前方煤柱支承应力逐渐增大,采场超前影响范围约为3个煤柱;充填体内应力变化呈“初始应力区-应力增大区-应力基本稳定区”规律;采用充填开采回收房式煤柱后地表的最大移动下沉量为338 mm,对地表的控制效果显著。


      Abstract: Taking the recovering room mining residual pillars with loess filling in a mine of Shenmu County as the engineering background, the stress on the pillars in front of working face, stress in the filling body behind working face and the surface subsidence during the filling operation are studied through using numerical simulation software of UDEC. As the results showed, along with the excavation filling operation, abutment pressure on pillars in front of working face increases gradually, and the scope in advance is about three pillars. The stress variation law in the filling body presents that "initial stress zone-stress increasing zone-stress basic stability zone". The maximum surface subsidence after recovering room mining residual pillars with loess filling is 338 mm and the control effect to surface is remarkable.


