
    Selection of Thick Seam Mining Method for West Panel in Zhaozhuang No.2 Mine

    • 摘要: 赵庄二号井东盘区目前采用综采放顶煤开采,进入西盘区后煤层平均厚度减小,且起伏变化波动明显,选择合适的厚煤层采煤方法成为赵庄二号井亟待解决的关键问题。对一次采全高综采采煤法和综采放顶煤采煤方法2个方案进行比较,根据矿井实际情况确定影响采煤方法的关键因素,并运用9标度层次分析法对4个准则层因素与12个子准则层因素进行权数分配,结合专家独立打分获得的评判集完成采煤方法的模糊综合评判,评判结果表明,赵庄二号井西盘区适合采用综合机械化放顶煤开采。


      Abstract: East panel in Zhaozhuang No.2 Mine uses top coal caving mining at present, the average thickness of coal seam decreases after entering the west panel, and the fluctuation changes significantly. Choosing suitable method of thick coal seam mining is the key problem in Zhaozhuang No.2 Mine. This paper, compared full-seam full-mechanized mining with top coal caving full-mechanized mining, determined the key factors of coal mining method according to the actual circumstance of mine, then used 9 scale analytic hierarchy process to carry out weight distributing for four factors of criterion layer and twelve factors of sub-criterion layer. Combined with the evaluation obtained from independent grading of experts, we completed the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of coal mining method. The result shows that top coal caving full-mechanized mining is the best method to west panel of Zhaozhuang No.2 Mine.


