
    Utilization and Development of Virtual Reality in Coal Mines

    • 摘要: 通过对国内外煤矿虚拟现实(VR)技术研究与应用进行统计,总结出目前煤矿VR技术应用方向主要分为培训类、可视化类与综合类3种;现有煤矿VR系统按照输入/输出设备的不同,可分为桌面通用式、投影定制式与沉浸自然式3类。目前国内研究主要以桌面通用式系统为主,国外成熟产品主要以投影定制式系统为主,而沉浸自然式系统是未来煤矿VR系统的最佳形式。针对煤矿VR技术不同的应用方向,分别提出了未来的研究重点。结合头戴显示器与动作捕捉设备,研制了一套沉浸式自然交互煤矿虚拟现实培训系统,证实了沉浸自然式系统在培训应用中的有效性。


      Abstract: Through the statistics of research and application of VR in coal mine from all over the world, it was concluded that the application fields of VR in mine in status quo were mainly in three types: training, visualization and comprehensive application. Based on the differential of the input/output devices that used in the VR system, the current VR system in coal mine could be divided into three types: desktop-based and general input device, projector-based and customized input device, and head mount display-based and natural input device. The type used in China right now was mainly desktop-based and general input device, and the type used in the mature market all over the world was mainly projector-based and customized input device, while in the future, the head mount display-based and natural input device is the most suitable type for the VR system in coal mine. Considering the different VR technique application fields in coal mine, the key research aspects in the future were discussed. Based on the head mounted display and motion tracking device, an immersive and natural interactive VR mine training system was developed, and the effectiveness of this kind of system is validated.


