
    Basic Information Database Platform of National Coal Mine Gas

    • 摘要: 概要地介绍了建立全国煤矿瓦斯基础信息数据库平台的目的、平台的运行环境及平台的构成、功能和技术特点。平台拥有可动态更新的大型数据库、专业网站和配套的软件系统。数据库目前录入全国10 000余对矿井60余万组煤矿瓦斯基础信息。平台可实现长期为政府、企业和科研单位提供服务的目的。


      Abstract: We propose the purpose, the operating environment and the structure, functions and technical characteristics of establishing the basic information database platform of national coal mine gas. The platform is constituted by a large database which can be dynamically updated, professional website and supporting software systems. The database currently contains more than ten thousand pairs of mines and more than 60 million units on coal mine gas. The platform has the monitoring system, data acquisition systems, and data sharing systems, which provides long-term services for the government, enterprises and research institutes.


