
    Effect of Kiken Yochi Training on Mental Health and Operation Against Rules of Coal Miner

    • 摘要: 为提升煤矿企业职工整体素质,减少安全生产事故的发生,采用试验与问卷调查相结合的方法,对选取的五龙煤矿井下员工进行危险预知训练(KYT),通过对训练前后的问卷调查统计分析,考察危险预知训练对员工心理健康和违章作业的影响。结果表明:危险预知训练能够显著降低矿工违章作业的发生率,尤其对50岁以下、婚姻状况不稳定、工龄15年以下的工人,效果更佳。


      Abstract: In order to improve the overall quality of workers and reduce the occurrence of safety production accidents in coal mine enterprises, by using the method of combining experiment and questionnaire survey, the selected staff from Wulong Mine were under the KYT; the influence of KYT on employees' mental health and operation against rules was investigated through statistical analysis of questionnaire survey before and after training. The results show that KYT can significantly reduce the occurrence rate of miners' operation against rules, especially for the workers those age are under 50, marital status is not stable, length of service workers is under 15 years, the effect is much better.


