
    Check Analysis for Coal Gas Desorption Model

    • 摘要: 为选取合适的煤体瓦斯解吸模型,选取某4个试验矿井的煤样进行煤样瓦斯解吸试验,并运用Langmuir单分子层吸附理论,Freundlich理论,weibull函数理论对试验数据进行拟合,对比并选择更合适的解吸模型。研究结果表明:Langmuir单分子吸附模型,Freundlich模型,Weibull函数模型均适用于煤体瓦斯解吸;Langmuir单分子吸附模型次之拟合度均大于0.99,Freundlich模型拟合度最低均小于0.99,Weibull函数模型拟合度最高均大于0.999更适于描述煤体瓦斯解吸过程。3种模型的准确度存在差别,因此选取合适的煤体瓦斯解吸模型对于研究煤体瓦斯解吸理论有一定的指导意义。


      Abstract: To choose the appropriate coal gas desorption model, desorption experiments are carried out with 4 typical coal samples in experimental mine. To choose a more appropriate model of coal gas desorption, the comparison among Langmuir single molecular adsorption theory, Freundlich theory and theory of weibull function is used to fit the experimental data. The results show that Langmuir single molecular adsorption model, Freundlich model and weibull function model are all suitable for the coal gas desorption. The fitting degree of the Langmuir single molecular adsorption model is greater than 0.99, and Freundlich model is less than 0.99; weibull function model is greater than 0.999, which is more suitable for describing coal gas desorption process. The accuracy of three models is different and choosing appropriate coal gas desorption model has guiding significance for the study of coal gas desorption.


