
    Reasons Analysis and Treatment Measures of Gas Combustion in Goaf with Hard Roof and Anticline

    • 摘要: 基于新集二矿121109综采工作面岩石撞击摩擦火花引燃采空区瓦斯燃烧事故调查分析,开展坚硬石英顶板煤层开采瓦斯防治技术研究,分析坚硬岩石顶板撞击摩擦机理和背斜地质构造瓦斯流动规律。研究结果表明:采取采空区瓦斯抽放、顶板预裂爆破、湿化采空区环境和注入惰性气体等预防措施能够有效的预防回采期间采空区瓦斯燃烧等问题。


      Abstract: Based on the investigation and analysis of gas combustion accidents caused by rock impact friction sparks which leads to ignition of goaf at 121109 fully mechanized coal face of Xinji Coal Mine, we research gas prevention and control technology of strong quartz roof of large dip angle mining of coal seam, and analyze the impact friction mechanism and the hard rock roof anticline gas flow laws of geological structure. As shown in the results, the gas burning and explosion problem can be solved effectively by adopting prevention measures, such as drainage of goaf gas, roof splitting and blasting, goaf wetting, inert gas injection and so on.


