
    Discrimination of Water-bursting Source Based on Grey Correlative Analysis

    • 摘要: 为了探究岱庄煤矿下组煤首采工作面掘进迎头突水水源,根据该面相关地质资料,并结合不同时间所取水样的水质化验结果,运用灰色系统理论中的关联分析法对该面掘进迎头突水点的水质资料进行分析计算,并分单一水源和混合水源对突水水源进行判别。得出突水水源为十灰和十三灰2个含水层的混合水,其中以十三灰水源为主的结论。最后把分析结果与实际的突水水质类型、井下钻探和突水点所在区域不同含水层水位监测等资料进行对比,验证了采用该方法进行突水水源判别的可靠性。


      Abstract: In order to discriminate the water inrush source of the lower coal group first heading face in Daizhuang Coal Mine,depended on the related geological data,and combined with the result of water quality test in diffident times,the correlative analysis method of the grey system theory was used to deal with the data from the heading face water-bursting point and then identify the source by dividing it into single water and mixed water.The result show that the water inrush source is mixed water from the tenth under limestone aquifer and the thirteenth limestone aquifer,and the latter is the main source.Finally,actual water quality type,drilling,monitoring of different regional groundwater levels were applied to check the result,which verified the reliability of this method in discriminating water-bursting source.


