
    "Pressure Measurement and Gas Drainage" Integrated Oil-type Gas Pressure Measuring Technology in Coal Seam Floor

    • 摘要: 为了准确测定煤油气共生矿井底板油型气压力值,在综合分析黄陵矿区2煤底板油型气特征的基础上,提出了“测压-抽采”一体化的底板油型气压力测定技术,研究结果表明:2煤底板涌出气体是典型的油型气,在底板岩层中以游离态为主,分布具有不连续性,利用常规测压方法测值严重偏低,采取“测压-抽采”一体化的底板油型气测定技术实测黄陵2号煤矿底板油型气压力为0.48~1.12 MPa,压力恢复周期为0.18~8.0 h。


      Abstract: In order to accurately measure the pressure value of oil-type gas in coal and oil-gas symbiosis mine floor, based on the comprehensive analysis of oil-type gas characteristics of Huangling Coal Mine No.2 coal floor, we propose oil-type gas pressure measurement technology of "pressure measurement and pressure drainage" integration, and the results showed that gushing gas in No. 2 coal floor is typical of oil-type gas, which is mainly in the free state in the floor strata, and the distribution is not continuous; the measuring value is low by conventional method, and the oil-type gas pressure in Huangling No.2 Coal Mine floor taking the "pressure measurement and pressure drainage" integration technique is 0.48 to 1.12 MPa, and the pressure recovery period is 0.18 to 8.0 h.


