Application of Complex Geophysical Prospecting in Gob Exploration
摘要: 为查清四老沟矿南羊路工业广场下伏采空区分布,采用二维地震+高密度电法的综合物探技术对采空区进行勘探。二维地震法圈定了5个采空区异常区域。高密度电法圈定了2个采空区异常区域。综合2种物探成果,得到了工业广场下伏采空区的分布范围。钻探验证结果表明通过综合物探技术得到的采空区范围准确性高。Abstract: To investigate the gob distribution underlying industry square on Nanyang road in Silaogou Mine, the complex geophysical prospecting combined 2D seismic method with high density electrical method was utilized for the gob exploration. Firstly, five abnormal gob areas were selected by 2D seismic method while two abnormal gob areas were found by high density electric method. Then, the gob distribution was concluded by combining outcomes of two geophysical techniques.