
    Study on Spatial Perception Distance in Coal Mine Stope

    • 摘要: 通过模拟煤矿井下的采场环境,设计了基于空间知觉的双目视觉测距实验,研究了煤矿采场的人员空间知觉距离与真实距离的差异及其安全等级分类的准确性。选取山东科技大学10名在校大学生作为对象进行实验,利用SVM对空间知觉距离安全等级进行了分类与预测。结果表明:被试空间知觉距离大于真实距离,8组由近及远测试集的安全等级预测准确率为100%,8组由远及近测试集的安全等级预测准确率为87.5%,证明空间知觉距离评价距离安全等级的准确率较高,对煤矿井下警示标志设置、矿井机车定位、矿井轨道铺设等活动提供了参考。


      Abstract: Binocular distance measurement experiment was designed by the simplified structures and the simulated conditions in coal mine stope. The paper studied these differences between spatial perception distance and real distance in coal stope and its accuracy of safety level. Ten college students from Shandong University of Science and Technology were selected as experimental objects to locate the distances in the experiment. And it carried on classification and prediction for spatial perception distance safety level by using SVM. The experiment results showed that spatial perception distance was greater than real distance. The accuracy of predicting spatial perception safety level was 87.5% from far to near while the accuracy was 100% from near to far. The accuracy of predicting spatial perception safety level was high. The experimental results provided references for setting warning marks, mine locomotive position, track laying mines and other activities in coal mine.


