
    Slope Monitoring Technology for Chuangpo Open-pit Coal Mine

    • 摘要: 采用GNSS、传感器和测斜仪联合监测边坡,对照地勘资料,分析出监测量化效果,在吕合煤业长坡露天煤矿中得到了很好的应用,在滑动较大的地方采取改河道、削坡减载等综合治理措施,为边坡灾害防范、降灾和减灾治理提供科学依据。


      Abstract: In this paper, the Glabal Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), sensors and inclinometer are used to monitor slope; contrasting geological exploration data, the quantitative effect of monitoring is analyzed. This method has been well used in Lyuhe Changpo Open-pit Coal Mine. In larger sliding area, comprehensive management measures have been taken, such as changing the river route, cutting slope and reducing load etc., it provides a scientific basis for slope disaster prevention, disaster reduction and disaster management.


