
    Application of Measurement Robot in Surface Dynamic Deformation Monitoring of Mining Area

    • 摘要: 煤炭开采引起的地表沉陷现象十分普遍,加强对矿区地表沉陷问题的监测及研究已成为实现矿区可持续发展的重要课题之一。传统监测方法是建立地表移动观测站,通过水准测量获取矿区地表移动数据。这种方法外业工作量大,且难以获取实时动态数据,无法准确得到地表移动变形的动态规律。在研究了TCA2003测量机器人高程测量精度的基础上,论述了其在矿区沉陷监测的可行性,同时对某矿区的一个采煤工作面上方地表进行了连续监测,获取了连续动态的监测数据,分析了不同时间尺度下的地表下沉和下沉速度特征,为研究地表沉陷动态规律提供了丰富的数据。


      Abstract: The phenomenon of surface subsidence caused by mining is very common in mining area. So strengthening the mining surface subsidence problem detection and research has become an important issue for mining sustainable development. The traditional monitoring method is to set up the surface movement observation station, and obtain the data of the mine surface movement by the level measurement. But this method needs heavy field work and it is difficult to acquire real-time data dynamically. And it fails to obtain the dynamic laws of surface subsidence. In this article, vertical survey precision of TCA2003 measurement robot is analyzed to guarantee its feasibility in monitoring mine subsidence. Then an engineering case demonstrates that dynamic subsidence monitoring based on measurement robot is effective. Finally, the characteristics of surface subsidence and subsidence velocity on different time scales are analyzed based on a mass of surface dynamic subsidence data.


