Electric Leakage Tester for Mine-used Electric Appliance
摘要: 介绍了漏电保护功能的传统检测方法,分析了其弊端。研制了一种矿用电器漏电试验测试仪,具体介绍了测试仪的工作原理、系统设计及工作过程。该测试仪运行情况良好,可以满足具有漏电保护功能的各类矿用防爆开关等产品的检测要求。Abstract: We introduce the electric leakage protection function of traditional detection methods, and analyze the disadvantages, and develop an electrical leakage testing instrument for mine, introduce the working principle, system design and work process of the testing instrument. The testing instrument is running in good condition, which can meet the detection requirements of all kinds of mining explosion-proof switch and other products that possess the electric leakage protection function.