
    Gas Seepage-stress-damage Coupling Model in Mining Coal and Rock

    • 摘要: 基于摩尔-库伦屈服准则构建了煤岩体弹塑性损伤本构模型,以损伤变量为过渡变量构建了采动条件下煤岩体渗透率-损伤演化方程,运用采动岩体力学、渗流力学、损伤力学等理论建立了采动煤岩体瓦斯渗流-应力-损伤耦合模型,采用FLAC3D软件设计出采动煤岩体瓦斯渗流-应力-损伤耦合计算程序,将所建立的采动煤岩体瓦斯渗流-应力-损伤耦合模型对顾桥煤矿远距离保护层开采下的瓦斯渗流规律进行了数值模拟研究。结果表明,受采动影响被保护层透气性系数为原始透气性系数的1 760倍,瓦斯压力由原来的2.8 MPa降低到0.6 MPa,消除了被保护层的煤与瓦斯突出危险性。


      Abstract: The plastic damage constitutive model of coal and rock mass was constructed based on Mole-Coulomb criterion. Using damage variable as transition, coal and rock mass permeability-damage evolution equation was also built. Then, using mining rock mechanics, percolation mechanics and damage mechanics, gas seepage-stress-damage coupling model of mining coal and rock was constructed. Gas seepage-stress-damage coupling calculation program of mining coal and rock by using FLAC3D was designed. At last, gas seepage behavior under long distance protective layer mining in Guqiao Coal Mine was studied through the established model. Results showed that under influence of mining, permeability coefficient of protected seam was 1 760 times of the original value and gas pressure deduced from 2.8 MPa to 0.6 MPa. Coal and gas outburst hazard was eliminated.


