
    Index Weight Analysis for Influencing Factors of Coal Mine Safety Training Effect

    • 摘要: 从影响煤矿安全培训效果的因素出发,采用层次分析法分析煤矿安全培训监管部门、培训组织实施机构、煤企基层单位和考核主管部门及其下级指标权重,并对各级指标权重进行层次总排序,得到影响因素指标权重值由大到小为课程设置、教师选任、考核方式、监管力度、教学管理、教材选用、法规标准、激励机制、合格标准、后勤服务、考核内容和学员情况。将其应用于实例验证时,各部门采取以权重值大的作为重要满足条件。应用分析结果表明:该煤矿安全培训效果影响因素指标权重分析合理,能为提升煤矿安全培训效果而采取有效措施提供依据。


      Abstract: By analyzing the factors affecting coal mine safety training effect,we found that it includes training regulators,organization implementing agencies, coal enterprise basic unit and appraisal department.Then we analyze each of index weight using the AHP. Weights sorting the results are as follows:course setup, teacher selection, and examination mode,supervision, teaching management,books selection,regulations, incentives,acceptance criteria,logistics services,assessment content and trainees.Finally, we apply these results to verify that the instance focuses on the bigger index weight.The application results show that analysis of index weight of influencing factors of coal mine safety training effect is reasonable;it can provide effective measures to improve coal mine safety training effect.


