
    Construction of Coal Mine Safety Management Advanced Mode With Hidden Trouble Responsibility as the Core

    • 摘要: “以隐患责任追究为核心的煤矿安全超前管理模式”是以隐患排查和隐患责任追究为核心、以安全质量标准化为基础、以各岗位主要危险源管控措施为抓手、安全教育培训并重、考核奖惩等制度措施配齐的一整套煤矿安全超前管理模式。该管理模式的构建和实施,能够做到安全管理关口前移,实现超前防范,具有良好的社会效益和经济效益,是行之有效的安全管理模式。


      Abstract: "Coal mine safety management advanced mode with hidden trouble responsibility as the core" is a complete set of advanced management mode of coal mine safety with related measures that taking the hidden perils and pitfalls responsibility as the core, based on safety and quality standards, taking each post major hazard control measures for the gripper, paying equal attention to safety education and training, evaluation system of rewards and punishments, etc. The construction of the management mode and implementation, can reach the safety management level, realize the advance guard, has the good social efficiency and economic benefit, which is the effective safety management mode.


