
    Prediction Method of Surface Subsidence in Mountain Area Based on Knothe Model

    • 摘要: 随着地下煤层的开采,其上覆岩层在重力作用下将产生变形、移动和破坏,岩层内部所产生的移动变形也逐渐传递至地表,引起地表的移动变形。山西大部分可采煤层均位于山区,因此对山区开采沉陷的动态预计研究是必要的,以Knothe时间函数为基础,结合山区滑移影响函数,建立了基于Knothe时间函数的山区开采沉陷的动态预计公式,可预计地表某一点在某一时刻的动态下沉值,并采用山西某矿区的实测地表移动观测资料进行验证。结果表明:预计与实测下沉曲线具有较好的一致性。


      Abstract: With the continuous mining of underground coal seam, the area of mine goaf is increasing; the deformation, movement and damage caused by the action of gravity of overlying strata will be transmitted to the surface and cause the surface subsidence. Most coal seams are located in the mountains in Shanxi province; therefore, the dynamic mountainous mining subsidence is necessary. The paper, based on Knothe time function, combines with the influence of slip function and establishes the prediction formula of dynamic mountainous mining subsidence which can predict the surface dynamic subsidence value at a point in a moment, and the observation data of the ground surface in a mine area of Shanxi are verified. The results show that estimated and measured subsidence curves have good consistency.


