
    Discussion on Gas Concentration Prediction Associated with Coal Cutter Control Methods

    • 摘要: 分析了无人化工作面对采煤机控制既要保证高效率运行,又要控制瓦斯浓度超限的问题。提出了通过对瓦斯浓度超前预测提前控制采煤机运行速度的方法,在瓦斯浓度时间序列的基础上利用ARMA模型超前预测5 min瓦斯浓度区间,利用预测区间上限值结合瓦斯浓度序列的统计特征参数95%置信区间上限值和最大值,综合对采煤机运行状态进行控制。针对6种不同的状况分别提出了采煤机速度的控制的方法,结合甘肃某矿030302回采工作面模拟无人化工作面对该方法进行了应用。


      Abstract: We analyze the problem that the control of humanizing working face on coal cutter should ensure efficient operation, and control the gas concentration overrun problem. We propose the method based on the gas concentrations advanced prediction method to control the running speed of shearer in advance. Gas concentration in time series is predicted by using ARMA model on the basis of advancing 5 minutes gas concentration range. Using the prediction interval limit according to the statistical characteristics of the gas concentration, the sequence parameters on maximum limit and 95% confidence interval, we comprehensively control coal cutter operation status. For six different conditions, coal cutter speed control methods are proposed respectively. Combined with 030302 working face in a mine of Gansu province, we simulated unmanned work with the method.


