
    Development and Outlook of Several New Technologies for Suppression and Isolation on Coal Mine Gas Explosion

    • 摘要: 煤矿瓦斯爆炸具有突发性和破坏严重的特点,成为我国煤矿重大灾害事故的主要形式之一,现用瓦斯阻隔爆技术急需发展改进。经大量比较研究,介绍3种具有独特瓦斯阻隔爆优势的新技术。HS系统技术:其特点为高速启动,主动抑爆,把爆炸控制在起始阶段;纳米抑爆材料技术:利用纳米材料特性大幅提高材料抑爆效能;多孔抑爆材料技术:同时具有对瓦斯爆炸冲击波的衰减作用和瓦斯爆炸火焰的淬熄作用。具体阐述了它们工作原理及研究进展,分析其优缺点及可能的发展方向,为瓦斯阻隔爆技术发展提供新思路。


      Abstract: Coal mine's gas explosion has the characteristics of sudden happening and severe damage, which is one of the major coal mine's accidents in China, the current technology of suppression and isolation on gas explosion needs urgent development and improvement. Depend on a large number of comparative study, we introduce three new technologies which have unique superiority for suppression and isolation on gas explosion. HS system technology which is characterized by high speed start, the initiative explosion suppression, explosion control in the start-up phase; nanometer materials taking advantages of nanometer materials' properties to highly improve the efficiency of explosion suppression; porous materials can decay the shock wave and extinguish the flame of gas explosion. We elaborate their operational principle and research progress, analyze their advantages and disadvantages, and summarize their possible direction of development, which provides new thought for the development of suppression and isolation on gas explosion.


