
    Supporting Structure of Anchor Retaining Wall at Toe of Slope of Artificial Boundary Pillar

    • 摘要: 边坡稳定性的影响因素很多,露天转地下开采中边坡的失稳破坏通常是在坡跟出现较大的塑性区而发生破坏。介绍了高边坡支护中的一种新型支护方式-锚拉坡跟墙支护。坡跟墙设计主要针对边坡提前进入塑性区的部位,通过锚杆将坡跟墙与底部人工境界矿柱连接起来共同提高坡跟墙的抗倾覆力。通过数值模拟对比分析,锚拉坡跟墙支护一定程度上增加了坡脚的稳定性,提高了边坡的稳定安全系数。


      Abstract: Slope stability can be affected by many factors. Unstable failure of slope in open-pit to underground mining commonly appears in toe of slope with larger plastic zone. This paper introduces a new type of support method in high slope-supporting structure of anchor retaining wall at toe of slope. Retaining wall is designed mainly for the areas entering previously into plastic zone. In order to improve the anti overturning ability of retaining wall, artificial boundary pillar is connected with the wall at the bottom of slope by bolts. The comparative analysis of the numerical simulation shows that anchor retaining wall at toe of slope raises the stability at the toe and the stability factor of slope to some extent.


