
    Study on Safety Distance of Roadway Under Seeper Goaf

    • 摘要: 针对如何确定固庄矿积水采空区下方巷道布置安全距离难题,分析积水采空区下方巷道布置影响因素,建立了采空区下方巷道布置模型。模型自上而下分为3个部分,即底板破坏区、安全隔水区和巷道围岩破坏区。运用土力学、弹塑性力学和矿山压力相关理论,确定了采空区下方巷道留设布置的理论方法;运用该法对该矿实例进行了应用计算和数值模拟,两者相互验证。


      Abstract: In order to solve the problem of the determination of the roadway roof safety distance under the dangerous goaf water, physical model of the roadway layout under the dangerous goaf water was set up. The model contains three parts from top to bottom, which are floor fracture zone, safety water-resisting zone and roadway surrounding rock loose zone. By using the theory of soil mechanics, plastoelasticity and ground pressure, the mechanism of tunnel roof water-inrush under the dangerous goaf water was analyzed and the theoretical criterion of preventing the tunnel roof water-inrush under water filling goaf was confirmed. Based on this criterion, the theoretical calculation and numerical simulation have been done to support the norm.


