
    Analysis of Research Status on Coal and Gas Outburst Intensity Prediction

    • 摘要: 阐述了国内煤与瓦斯突出强度预测研究方法与发展过程,并分析了这些成果的不足之处,提出了突出强度衡量指标及预测指标的概念含义。探讨了不同突出强度预测指标存在的问题及不足。确认初始释放瓦斯膨胀能指标能从突出机理方面综合地反映出突出强度的实质,它是突出强度预测的理想指标。根据初始释放瓦斯膨胀能可以把突出强度归类为无突出、弱突出、强突出、极强突出4个等级,并把预测数值结果分级转化为常见的爆炸物当量。


      Abstract: We expound domestic research methods and development process on forecasting coal and gas outburst intensity and analyze the limitations of existing research findings, the concepts of measured index and predicted index on outburst intensity are proposed. The index of initial releasing gas expansion energy can really reflect the essence of outburst intensity from outburst mechanism aspect, and it is the ideal index of outburst intensity prediction. According to expansion energy of initial releasing gas, outburst intensity can be classified into four grades as no outburst, slight outburst, strong outburst, extremely strong outburst with translating the prediction results by classifying into corresponding amount of common explosives.


