
    Application of Grouting Water Plugging Technology in Railway Tunnel of Coal Mine

    • 摘要: 由于隧道衬砌裂缝严重,地下水和大气降水的补给,隧道内经常出现大量涌水,漏水情况严重,并时有落石情况发生,给矿井安全运输造成一定威胁。因此,结合山西天地王坡煤矿柏树底隧道工程实例,采用注浆堵水技术,针对不同涌水情况采取有效的堵漏措施,并改进注浆工艺和设备,有效封堵了隧道涌水,渗水量明显减少,注浆效果显著。


      Abstract: As cracks in tunnel lining, and atmospheric precipitation recharge of groundwater, the tunnel often appears a lot of water, water leakage in severe cases, and rock fall happens from time to time, which brings threat to the mine safety transportation. Therefore, this paper takes tunnel of Shanxi Tiandi Wangpo Coal Mine as engineering practice, uses grouting water plugging technology, according to different water conditions to adopt effective plugging measures, and to improve grouting technology and equipment, which effectively suppresses the tunnel water gushing, water percolating capacity decreases significantly, the grouting effect is remarkable.


