
    Application of KT130 Type Mine Wireless Communication System

    • 摘要: 针对王坡煤矿井下无线通讯现状,引入了KT130型矿井无线通讯系统。介绍了系统采用的网络技术和组网结构,阐述了该系统的组成,按生产需要对地面和井下工作面进行了基站分布设计,基本实现了井下采掘巷道内无线信号的全覆盖。通过环网传输的无线信号,增加了系统运行的稳定性。应用效果表明,KT130型矿井无线系统在使用功能上能够取代原有的小灵通通讯系统。该系统的应用为王坡煤矿的安全生产提供了通讯保障。


      Abstract: According to the current situation of wireless communication system of Wangpo Mine, the KT130 type mine wireless communication system was imported, the network technology and the network structure which used in the system was introduced, the composition of the system was expounded, the base station signal distribution was designed both the ground and underground in accordance with the actual production requirements, all the underground mining roadway was completely covered with wireless signal basically. The stability of system operation was improved because the signal transmission using the mine industrial Ethernet ring network. Application results showed that the KT130 type mine wireless communication system could replace the original PHS in the use function. The application of the KT130 type mine wireless communication system provides a communication guarantee for safety production throughout Wangpo Mine.


