
    Dynamic Evaluation Method for the Effect of Gas Extraction

    • 摘要: 如何实时掌握并准确预测瓦斯抽采效果,为抽采措施提供有力依据,是解决高瓦斯及突出矿井抽掘采衔接问题的关键。因此在相关研究和实践的基础上,结合煤层抽采瓦斯流动理论、抽采达标评判、监测监控、数学反演及井下瓦斯参数测定等技术,建立了以抽采效果预评价、过程中实时评价和井下实测验证为主体贯穿抽采工作始终的瓦斯抽采效果动态评价方法,可为建立抽掘采平衡关系提供技术支撑,促进矿井实现瓦斯与煤炭的统筹规划协调开发。


      Abstract: It is the key to solve the linking problem among extraction,tunneling and mining in gas outburst mine by accurately forecast and real-time control on the effect of gas extraction. Based on the correlation research and practice,combined with the flow theory of gas extraction in coal seam,the judgment on the extraction standard,the monitoring and control,the mathematical inversion and the determination of gas parameter,we established the dynamic evaluation method for the effect of gas extraction in the extracted work by pre-evaluation,real time evaluation and measurement validation.It provides the technical support for the establishment of the balance among extraction,tunneling and mining,and promotes the overall planning and coordinated development of gas extraction and coal mining.


