
    Guide Hole and Expansion Digging Technology of Raise-boring Machine of Longwall Caving Open-off Cut at Large Inclination Coal Seam Layered Face in Dongxia Coal Mine

    • 摘要: 东峡煤矿37220-2工作面存在煤层倾角大、厚度大等复杂地质条件,工作面切眼施工、支护难度较大,采用反井钻机导孔与倾斜段切眼扩掘工艺试验及高强度锚网索辅以抬棚联合支护方式。结果表明:该施工技术效率高、安全可靠、劳动强度低、工程质量好,且支护效果可靠,实现了工作面的快速安全贯通。


      Abstract: Because of large dip angle and large thickness seam at 37220-2 fully mechanized caving face of Dongxia Coal Mine, it's difficult to carry out open-off cut construction and support. We use raise-boring machine pilot hole with expanding mining process test and high strength anchor wire rope lift shed combined supporting method in inclination section. The result shows that this construction technology has the characters of high efficiency, safety and reliability, low labor intensity, good engineering quality and reliable supporting effect. Finally, it achieves safe and fast construction of open-off cut.


