
    Practice of Mine Fire Prevention and Control for Shenhua Group Corporation

    • 摘要: 神华集团是我国规模最大的煤炭企业,其高产高效高度集约化千万吨矿井群建设成效显著。神华集团所属矿井地域分布广,煤层赋存条件各不相同,各矿区不同程度存在煤田火区、小窑火区、自然发火等不同火灾类型的威胁。基于上述特点,神华集团不断加强矿井防灭火工作,对煤矿火灾致灾因素进行全面、系统地研究,形成了以煤矿火灾风险预控体系为核心,以火灾重大危险源防控技术为支撑,以工作面防灭火安全开采为突破的成套技术,保障了矿井的安全生产,实现了煤炭企业的安全、高效、可持续发展。


      Abstract: Shenhua Group is the largest coal company in our country, the high yield and high efficiency and intensive ten million tons of mine group construction achieved remarkable results. The mines that belong to Shenhua Group are widespread in geographical distribution, the seam conditions are different, and every mine area is threatened by different types of fire in varying degrees, such as the coalfield fire area, small coal fire area and spontaneous combustion and so on. Based on the above characteristics, Shenhua Group continued to strengthen the work of mine fire prevention and control, comprehensively and systematically studied fire hazard-formative factors, formed a set of packaged technologies that taking coal fire risk pre-control system as the core, fire major hazard sources prevention and control technology as the support, safety mining of working face in fire prevention and control as the breakthrough, which protects the safety mining of coal mining face, achieves the safe, efficient and sustainable development of coal enterprises.


