
    Prediction and Warning Technology of Working Face Roof Disaster

    • 摘要: 基于经典矿山压力理论和大量现场数据,为实现工作面顶板灾害预测预警,提出了区域支架联合分析技术和预测波形自修正技术。该技术在液压支架工作状态分析基础上,利用计算机海量数据快速处理功能,通过工作面局部区域内半数以上支架在相近时间内达到来压判据判定周期来压和生产过程中顶板运动规律的统计、分析、推理、修正,从而预测周期来压波形,最终完成顶板运动规律的准确分析、预测,并在可能发生危险时报警,减少顶板灾害发生。


      Abstract: Based on the classical theory of mine pressure and a large number of field data, this paper proposed area support conjoint analysis technique and waveform self-correction technique to realize disaster prediction and early-warning of working face roof. The technology used support working state analysis and applied computer with powerful data processing function to determine periodic pressure through the pressure criterion of more than half the supports in the patial work surface region and to predict periodic pressure waveform through the statistic, analysis, reasoning and correction of roof movement law in the production process. Finally, this technology completed the accurate analysis and prediction of the roof movement law and alarmed people before the danger occured and reduced the roof disaster.


