
    Research and Application of Drilling Cuttings Backfill Hole Sealing Technology

    • 摘要: 钻屑回填封孔技术是利用现场打钻所得煤屑与水泥按一定比例混合成浆并加入适量添加剂后通过两堵一注囊袋式封孔器进行注浆的一种封孔技术。为了充分利用钻孔过程中产生的煤屑,采用以煤封煤的方式进行封孔以提高封孔的效果,进而提高瓦斯抽采的效果,采用实验室实验和现场试验相结合的方法对钻屑回填封孔技术的使用材料及封孔效果的可靠性进行了分析。结果证实,钻屑回填封孔技术在封孔效果上比传统封孔技术有很大程度的提高,平均单孔浓度提高了70%左右,同时,也极大地节省了封孔所需材料,使单孔封孔成本降低50%左右。


      Abstract: Drilling cuttings backfill hole sealing technology is a kind of sealing technology using coal powder and cement and proper additives according to a certain proportion and through two plugging and one grouting bag-type hole packer to carry out grouting. To take advantage of coal dust generated during drilling, we use the way of sealing coal with coal to improve the sealing effect and then improve the effect of gas extraction. We use the method of combined laboratory experiments with underground trials to analyze the reliability of material and effect of the coal powder hole sealing technology. The results show that the coal powder hole sealing technology greatly improves sealing effect than traditional technology, the average concentration of single hole is increased by about 70% and also greatly saves the sealing materials, the single hole cost is reduced about 50%.


