
    Research on Deep-hole Grouting for Improving Stability of Roadway with High Stress

    • 摘要: 针对深部矿井高应力巷道维护困难这一技术难题,从控制围岩应力的角度出发,提出了围岩应力转移新技术,即通过在巷道围岩深部(2~15 m)范围内进行高压注浆,使其形成一层强度较高,弹性模量较大的承载层,通过承载层优先来支撑上覆岩层因巷道开挖而下沉引起的围岩集中应力,使巷道浅部围岩的集中应力往深部转移,即保证了围岩完整性又提高了稳定性。进而利用FLAC3D数值模拟研究了这种应力转移技术的效果,结果表明:该技术可以显著的降低巷道围岩附近的集中应力,使得集中应力减小20%~30%左右,且峰值点往深处转移2 m左右。该方法能有效的降低巷道顶底板及两帮的移近量,控制围岩变形,在一定程度上解决了高应力巷道支护难、维护难的问题。


      Abstract: Aimed at the technoligical problems of the deep mine roadway with high ground stress, from the view of stress control, a new technique of stress transfer to control the surrounding rock of roadway is proposed. Through high stress deep-hole grouting in the deep roadway surrounding rock ( from 2 to 15 m ), a layer with high strength and larger elastic modulus is formed. Through the loading layer priority to support the concentrated stress that produced by overlying strata subsidence in the surrounding rock to make the concentrated stress transfer to deep part, it ensures the integrity and stability of surrounding rock. Using FLAC3Dnumerical simulation to study the effect of stress transfer, the results show that the technology can significantly reduce the concentrated stress near the surrounding rock of roadway, and make the stress reduce by 20% to 30%, and the peaks transfer to depths of 2 m or so. The method can effectively reduce the displacement of roof and floor of roadway, control the deformation of the surrounding rock, solve the support, maintenance problems of high stress roadway to a certain extent.


