
    Construction of Emergency Refuge System Based on Transition Station in Kongzhuang Coal Mine

    • 摘要: 提出了基于过渡站的新型煤矿井下紧急避险系统建设模式,系统由避难硐室、救生舱、避难所、过渡站等组成,确定了系统的运行方式及各类紧急避险设施的布置原则,研究了避难所、过渡站的功能、结构及内部装备配备,以大屯孔庄煤矿为实例进行紧急避险系统的构建,确定布置4个避难硐室、7个避难所、3个过渡站,为国内煤矿紧急避险系统的构建提供多一种选择。


      Abstract: A new type of coal mine emergency system construction model based on rest station is proposed, the system consisted of refuge chamber, shelter and transition station, layout principles of all kinds of emergency facilities and the running mode of the system has been researched. The function and structure of emergency facilities had been researched. The new type of emergency refuge system of Kongzhuang Mine is designed, determining to construct 4 refuge chambers, 7 shelters, 3 transition stations, which provides a reference for the construction of coal mine emergency system in China.


