
    Reflection on Law Enforcement and Supervision Work Concerning Coal Mine Safety Under the New Situation

    • 摘要: 通过对当前的煤矿安全执法监督工作存在的问题进行分析,加强内部执法权的规范和约束,加快煤矿安全执法监督的法治化进程,促进煤矿安全监察执法监督的制度构建。坚持权责法定,健全与现代治理能力相适应的煤矿安全监察执法监督职能;坚持以公开为常态,建立健全监察执法权的制约和监督机制,根本上杜绝法外权限;坚持法治引导,有效防止和控制执法权力的异化;坚持规范监督,实现监督重点前移;坚持有权必有责,健全执法过错问责机制,既要避免责任追究泛化,也要避免责任追究不当收缩,造成追责不公和放纵违法的后果;坚持以人为本,进一步培育法治认同,提升法治化水平。


      Abstract: In order to strengthen the standardization and regulation of internal law enforcement, accelerate the legalizaion process of coal mine safety supervision of law enforcement, and promote the system building of the law enforcement and supervision work concerning coal mine safety, coal mine safety authorities should adhere to the powers and responsibilities stipulated by the law and perfect the coal mine safety law enforcement and supervision function so that it will be compatible with modern governance, adhere to the principle of openness and establish and perfect the restraint and supervision mechanism of the power to inspect and enforce laws so that extrajudicial powers will be eliminated, adhere to the guidance of the rule of law and effectively prevent and control the heterization of the power to enforce laws, adhere to standardized supervision and focus on advance supervision, adhere to power-responsibility correspondence and perfect the accountability mechanism, and adhere to the people-oriented philosophy and cultivate the recognition and improve the level of the rule of law.


