
    Mechanical Analysis of Rock Burst Induced by Fold Limbs

    • 摘要: 在深部煤层中进行回采期间,受采动活动的影响,褶曲两翼区域极易出现能量积聚现象,具有人为诱发冲击的潜在危险。通过对回采工作面过褶曲构造期间区内强矿震显现的分析,从岩石力学角度对向斜构造区域内的聚能诱因进行研究,分析其力学成因与诱发机理,为后期相关工作面的回采防冲提供参考。通过分析,可以得知褶曲构造的两翼部分,垂直应力与水平应力均属于压应力,应力集中程度相对较高,易聚集较高能量;采掘影响区域内煤岩体能量在整体趋势上随时间不断波动。


      Abstract: During the deep mining activity, the energy accumulation often occurs in fold limbs affected by the mining, there are potential dangers of rock burst with the impact of human-induced. Through the analysis of the strong mining-induced seismicity during the mining activity in folding structure, the reason of energy accumulation in syncline structure is studied by using rock mechanics, and it can provide a reference for the rock burst control by analyzing mechanic causes and mechanism of rock burst. The analysis results shows that, the vertical and horizontal stress in fold limbs belong to the compressive stress, and the stress concentration degree in fold limbs is higher than usual, higher energies accumulate here; the energy in coal and rock of mining effect region has the fluctuating trend with time.


