
    Application of Surface Drilling Liquid Nitrogen Immediate Injection Fire Preventing and Extinguishing Technique in Lingxin Coal Mine

    • 摘要: 灵新煤矿L5216综采工作面开采煤层属于自然发火煤层,且工作面与上部多层采空区相互连通形成复杂的立体交叉漏风网,周围采空区遗煤高温自燃氧化产生的大量CO受负压影响通过裂隙扩散到L5216工作面,造成本工作面火灾形势严峻,防治难度大,严重影响了L5216综采工作面的安全生产。针对L5216工作面实际情况,采取地面钻孔多通道、大流量、直注式液氮防灭火技术,有效消除或减小了采空区内的高温氧化区。


      Abstract: The coal of L5216 mechanized mining face in Lingxin Coal Mine is easy to appear spontaneous combustion. The working face interconnects with the upper multilayer gobs to form complex air leakage network. CO generated by high temperature oxidation of coal pillar, spreads to L5216 working face through cracks by the negative impact, which causes mined-out area severe fire situation and affects L5216 mechanized mining face production safety. Specific to the actual situation of L5216 mechanized mining face, the immediately ground drilling liquid nitrogen injection for fire extinguishing is employed. The ground drilling liquid nitrogen injection with multi-channel, big flow, direct injection for fire extinguishing eliminates the high temperature oxidation of gob effectively.


