
    Application of Microseismic Monitoring Technology in Ascending Mining of Coal Mine

    • 摘要: 以研究浅埋深条件下龟兹煤矿A6-103工作面经过下部邻近煤层采空区开切眼时上覆岩层破裂运动规律为目的,采用高精度微震监测技术对指定区域进行监测。微震事件波形分为:机械振动、强电流干扰、泵站干扰和人为敲击和其他干扰5类;通过对微震事件的平面位置和能量研究分析得到,工作面从接近到经过下层采空区开切眼时,切眼上部岩层破裂经历了“正常-快速破裂-破裂减少”的3个明显过程;通过对微震事件的空间分布得到垮落带高度是采高的4倍,裂隙带发育高度为采高的14倍; A6-103工作面底板在下部A603切眼上方附近的微震事件较少,能够保证工作面的安全回采。


      Abstract: In order to study overlying strata movement laws of A6-103 working face passing through lower adjacent coal seam goaf open-off cut under the condition of shallow buried depth in Qiuci Coal Mine, high-precision microseismic monitoring technology is used for monitoring the designated area. Microseismic event waveform is divided into mechanical vibration, heavy current interference, pumping stations and artificial percussion and other five classes; through plane position of microseismic events and energy analyzing, working face is close to the lower goaf open-off cut, the upper rock burst has experienced "normal - fast rupture- less rupture" three obvious process; based on spatial distribution of microseismic events, we get that caving zone height is 4 times of mining height, fracture zone height is 10 times of the mining height. The microseismic events near A6-103 working face floor above the lower A603 open-off cut is less, which can guarantee the safety mining of working face.


