
    Numerical Simulation on Roadway-side Support Resistance for Gob-side Entry Retaining

    • 摘要: 采用数值模拟软件FLAC3D,建立了不同宽度的巷旁充填体模型,模拟研究了对应充填体垂直位移和巷道的顶底板及两旁位移情况。通过建立模型对巷内强力切顶支柱3种方式进行模拟,总结分析了沿空留巷覆岩应力变化规律、沿空留巷覆岩位移变化规律。结果表明:巷内切顶支护优先选用强力单体支柱切顶方式,该支护系统支撑能力强,并且活柱具有一定的可缩性并能保持恒定的支护阻力。


      Abstract: We use numerical simulation software FLAC3D to establish the different width of roadside packing body model, simulated the corresponding filling body vertical displacement and roof and floor and coal rib displacement. Through the simulation in three ways of the lane strong cutting prop, we analyzed the gob overburden stress variation and gob change law of overlying strata displacement. The numerical simulation indicates that lane cutting roof supporting prefers strong single pillar roof cutting mode, the supporting system has strong supporting capacity, and the movable column has certain flexibility and can maintain constant support resistance.


