
    Research on Safety Production Scheduling Information System for Aluminum Corporation of China Limited

    • 摘要: 中国铝业股份有限公司为了全面掌握煤矿安全生产信息,加强生产管控,提高生产调度工作效率,利用公司现有网络资源,开发设计了一套高度集成技术资料管理、生产数据分析、信息共享、应急指挥于一体的、高效的安全生产调度系统。安全生产调度系统包括生产现场数据支撑层,公司综合业务应用层,用户展现层3层体系结构。


      Abstract: In order to grasp the information of coal mine production safety, strengthen production management, improve the production scheduling work efficiency, use existing cyber source, Aluminum Corporation of China Limited develops and designs a efficient scheduling system, which can process a highly integrated technical data, analysis of production data, information sharing and emergency command. Safety production scheduling system includes production field data support layer, comprehensive business application layer, the user layer three layer architecture.


