
    Practice and Thinking of Safety Management for Sporadic Coal Mine Accidents

    • 摘要: 煤矿零星事故大多是发生在零星岗位和零散作业过程中,控制零星事故的发生对于煤矿实现“零死亡”目标具有极其重要的作用。加强对零星岗位的培训、教育和有效管理,开展零星岗位安全整顿,提高其思想业务素质,逐步规范其上岗作业行为,将减少零星事故的人为因素,降低零星事故发生的概率。同时,重视和强化零散作业管理,能够堵塞安全漏洞,减少意外事故。


      Abstract: coal mine accidents occurred mostly in sporadic and scattered posts in the work process, and controlling the sporadic incidents plays an important role in the coal mine to achieve "zero death". To strengthen education, training and management of sporadic posts, carry out safety rectification of sporadic posts, improve the ideological and professional quality, standardize the work behavior, all these will reduce the human factor for some accidents and reduce the probability of occurrence of sporadic incidents. At the same time, paying attention to and strengthening the scattered operation management can block the holes in safety and reduce accidents.


