
    Influence of High Volatile Coal Dust on Gas Explosion Limits

    • 摘要: 瓦斯爆炸是影响煤矿安全生产的重大灾害之一,煤尘的存在会影响瓦斯的爆炸极限。运用20 L爆炸特性测试系统研究了高挥发分煤尘对瓦斯爆炸极限的影响,并对实验煤样在40~260 ℃进行了析出气体分析。实验结果表明:在有煤尘参与的条件下,瓦斯爆炸上限变得更低,当加入100 g/m3煤尘后,瓦斯爆炸上限下降到了12.8%。在爆炸下限附近,煤尘对瓦斯爆炸有促进作用,煤尘的存在使得瓦斯爆炸下限会变得更低,加入100 g/m3煤尘后,瓦斯爆炸的下限下降到了3.1%。


      Abstract: The gas explosion is one of the major disasters influencing the coal mine safety in production, coal dust can influence gas explosion limits. The influence to explosion limits of gas by high volatile coal dust was studied with 20 L spherical vessel. The experimental results showed that the explosion limits of gas would become quite lower when coal dust participated; and the explosion limits decreased to 12.8% when the 100 g/m3 coal dust was mixed into the sample. Near the lower explosion limits, coal dust can stimulate gas explosion, the explosion limits of gas would become quite lower too, when coal dust participated, and the explosion limits decreased to 3.1% when the 100 g/m3 coal dust was mixed into the sample.


