
    Reliability Analysis of Acoustic Emission for Coal and Gas Outburst Under Triaxial Loading

    • 摘要: 在声发射探头不能与煤样直接接触的情况下,采用3种探头的连接方式,利用太原理工自主研发的实验设备在三轴加载下得出声发射事件数、轴向压力与时间的关系。分析结果找出最合理的连接方式,同时得出结论:煤样里声发射事件在逐级加载下曲线符合指数函数增长,接近峰值时声发射事件率下降或者保持不变,在工程中岩煤稳定性声发射监测预报具有重要的指导作用和实际应用价值。


      Abstract: Under the circumstance that the acoustic emission has no direct connection with the coal sample, the experiment adopts three methods of connection to improve the accuracy of acoustic emission. We put the experimental equipment developed by Taiyuan University of Technology under the triaxial loading pressure, find the relationship among the acoustic emission event count, axial compressive force and time, and identify the most reasonable method of connection. The conclusion is that the cure of acoustic emission event conforms to the exponential increase under the condition of stepwise loading. At the peak, acoustic emission event count decreases or stays the same. The results of the experiment have an important guiding function and applied value in the engineering stability of coal rock acoustic emission monitoring and prediction.


