
    Characteristics of Dust Generation and Efficient Control Technology in Transferring Point of Coal Preparation Plant

    • 摘要: 大多数选煤厂对粉尘主要采取事后治理措施,侧重于对已积粉尘的清扫轻视对尘源的防治。为了提出更有效的转载点粉尘治理措施,首先对转载点粉尘产生特性进行了分析,其次对封闭抑尘技术和超细水雾降尘技术进行了研究,提出了适用于选煤厂转载点的封闭抑尘和超细水雾降尘配合使用的高效治理技术,最后在安徽淮北某矿选煤厂转载点处进行实际应用,并测定了相关参数。


      Abstract: Many treatment measures for dust are normally taken after the dust produced, which means people pay less attention on preventing the sources of dust than sweeping sedimentary dust. To propose efficient dust control measures in transferring point, firstly, we analyze the characteristics of dust generation. Secondly, based on the research of the sealing dust suppression technology and ultra-fine water mist technology, we propose an efficient control technology. Finally, the industrial testing was employed in the transferring point in a Huaibei coal preparation plant and some relevant parameters were measured.


