
    Spontaneous Fire Prevention and Control Technology for Fully Mechanized Caving Face Passing Through Fault

    • 摘要: 以大水头煤矿东一采区108综放工作面过断层期间的自燃火灾防治为例,分析了综放工作面过断层期间火灾防治的关键问题。通过对煤自然发火实验以及采空区温度监测获得了108综放工作面煤最小自然发火期为42 d,采空区自燃“三带”分别为散热带0~46 m、氧化带46~63 m以及63 m以后的窒息带。结合该矿的实际情况,采用加快推进速度、减少采空区漏风、工作面注浆、工作面注氮以及采空区气体及温度监测等手段,保证了该矿井过断层期间的安全生产。


      Abstract: The key problems of the fire prevention for fully mechanized caving face passing through fault are analyzed by taking the prevention and control of the spontaneous combustion during No.108 fully mechanized caving mining passing through fault in Dashuitou Mine as an example. The shortest spontaneous combustion period of the No.108 fully mechanized caving face and each range of the spontaneous combustion "three-zone" of gob are obtained by means of coal spontaneous combustion experiments and temperature monitoring in the gob. The shortest period is 42 d, the cooling zone is less than 46 m, the spontaneous fire zone is from 46 m to 63 m and the suffocation zone is more than 63 m. The application of accelerating advance speed, reducing the air leakage of gob, grouting in the face, injecting nitrogen in the face, monitoring the gas and temperature of gob could ensure the safety production of the mine during the face passing through fault.


