
    Distribution Law of Advanced Abutment Pressure of Gangue Backfilling Working Face

    • 摘要: 为了揭示矸石充填工作面超前支承压力分布规律,以邢台矿7608矸石充填工作面为工程背景,采用理论分析、数值模拟和现场实测相结合法进行研究。结果表明:由于矸石充填开采充填体对上覆岩层的支撑作用,使其超前支承压力增长缓慢并最终趋于稳定,同时矸石充填比完全垮落工作面超前支承压力峰值强度下降,应力集中系数减小,峰值距煤壁距离由6~8 m减小到4~6 m,其影响范围由40~55 m减小到30~40 m。


      Abstract: In order to reveal the distribution laws of abutment pressure of gangue backfillng working face, taking 7608 gangue backfilling working face of Xingtai Mine as engineering backgroud, we mainly use theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and in-situ observation to study deeply. The results show that the filling boby of gangue backfilling plays a supporting role in overlying rock, so the slow growth of advanced abutment pressure tends to be stable, the peak strength of advanced abutment pressure in gangue backfilling working face is smaller than that in complete caving, the coefficient of stress concentration could reduce, the coal wall peak decreased from (6 to 8 m) to (4 to 6 m) and the influence range decreased from (40 to 55 m) to (30 to 40 m).


