
    Comparative Analysis Between Outburst and Rock Burst

    • 摘要: 突出与冲击地压严重威胁着矿井安全生产,在分析有关文献资料的基础上,对二者的相同点和不同点进行了归纳。结果显示,在这2类动力灾害之间,有12个方面存在相似之处,9个方面存在差异;最后,分别以它们与地质构造和综放开采工艺的关系为例分析其相同性和差异性。研究结果表明,地质构造可为冲击地压和突出提供有利条件,综放开采工艺不适用于突出煤层,但有利于控制冲击地压。


      Abstract: Outburst and rock burst seriously threaten coal mine safety production, we conclude the similarities and differences between outburst and rock burst on the basis of analyzing relative literature data. The result indicates that there are 12 similarities and 9 differences between outburst and rock burst. Finally, taking the relation of geological structure, top coal caving process for example respectively, the similarities and differences are analyzed. The research result indicates that geological structure supplies the advantages for the outburst and rock burst, and top coal caving does not apply to the outburst coal seam, and but, it is propitious to control the burst.


