
    Experiment of Yielding Stress Supporting Technology for Kilometer Deep Soft Roadway

    • 摘要: 某矿六采区-1 287 m水平辅助进风巷在巷道施工过程中出现巷道片帮、喷体开裂、底鼓以及锚索破断等现象,巷道围岩变形严重。结合现场矿压观测,分析了该矿典型的深部巷道围岩变形机理及特征,提出“一次适度让压支护+二次锚注和锚索补强加固”的支护技术方案。在试验段巷道采用围岩变形观测和钻孔探视仪对注浆加固后围岩裂隙发育情况进行支护效果检验,结果表明该支护方案能有效地控制软岩巷道围岩变形。


      Abstract: During the roadway construction of a mine auxiliary air intake roadway in-1 287 m level in the sixth mining area, the roadway deformation of surrounding rock is serious, appearing rib spalling, spray body cracking, floor heave and cable broken. By observing the actual site and analyzing deep soft rock roadway deformation mechanism and characteristics, we propose a supporting technical solution of "a moderate yielding pressure support and secondary bolting and grouting anchor reinforcement". We observe the roadway deformation in test section and use the drilling visitation instrument to test supporting effect of roof and sides fracture after grouting strengthening. The results show that the support scheme can effectively control deformation of roadway surrounding rock.


