
    Research Status and Trend of CO Generation Mechanism and Control Technology in Coal Mines

    • 摘要: CO作为煤自燃早期预报最主要的气体判定指标,对煤自燃的防治起到至关重要的作用。然而,随着矿井机械化水平的提升、开采强度的增大、检测手段的改进,煤矿井下CO的产生出现了多源性,非煤自燃产生的CO严重干扰着煤自燃的早期预报。将井下CO的来源划分为3类,并分别总结了近年来国内外学者在其产生机理和控制方法等方面的研究和应用进展,初步分析和提出了现有研究中存在的不足及今后的发展趋势。


      Abstract: As the main gas index on early prediction of coal spontaneous combustion, CO plays a crucial role for the prevention and control of coal spontaneous combustion. However, with the development of the coal mine mechanization level, the enlargement of mining strength, and the improvement of testing method, the CO generation presents multiple source characteristics. CO, generated out of coal spontaneous combustion, seriously interferes the early forecast of coal spontaneous combustion. The source of CO is divided into three categories. The research and application progress of CO generation mechanism and control methods are summarized, which are studied by scholars at home and abroad in recent years. At last, the shortcoming in the existing research are preliminary analyzed and the development trend in future are proposed.


