
    Extrusion Fluidity Floor Heave Mechanism and Prevention Measures for Deep Roadway

    • 摘要: 为了解决深部回采巷道挤压流动性底鼓问题,将深部回采巷道的挤压流动性底鼓问题简化成两端固支的压杆稳定问题,计算得到了某地质条件下的底鼓临界深度H和最大底鼓量yx=L/2。通过分析说明了深部回采巷道较之浅部底鼓有增大的趋势,同时通过理论分析提出了通过对煤壁、底板注浆和打底板锚杆的方法来控制巷道底鼓。数值模拟结果也显示治理措施效果显著,现场的工程应用也取得了很好的治理效果。


      Abstract: To solve the extrusion fluidity floor heave of roadway, the extrusion fluidity problem of floor heave in deep mine is simplified to a fixed compression bar stability, and we calculate a area under the floor heave of critical depth of H and the maximum heave yx=L/2. Through the analysis, deep roadway floor heave has a tendency to increase than shallow, and through theoretical analysis, we proposed the coal wall, floor grouting and other methods to control the floor heave. These measures have been applied in the actual production,and achieved better control effect.


